It all happend in a single long day :)
Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Hungrary
Once you are having fun, explore new places, meet new people and overall just feel this pure happiness the time doesn't fly but it vanishes. My life changing journey started back when I decided to take a semester in South Korea. The world basically turned upside down as I arrived to a completely new city not knowing a single person nor any information about the place. The new environment gave a me a chance to get out of the comfort bubble. And also it laid the ground for my personality to develop. Looking back now it almost seems as who I am today has started shaping back in Korea. When I got back home after just half a year there were moments when my eyes were tearing as the familiar smell triggered the memories. The "abroad-sickness" was that strong! Not so long after getting back home I started planning another ESCAPE.
This time I ended in Denmark. Although Denmark is not as far way as Korea yet there were some fundamental differences. Everyone who gets a chance to taste the scandinavian raw culture would agree that you either embrace it or never fall in love with it. I fall into the first category. It was hard to get use to it at the beginning because my way of thinking is highly influenced by Czech/Vietnamese culture. So as u can imagine there were yaw-dropping moments happening all the time. The northern mindset is something that had an impact on my view of genders, society and basically everyday life. I also took my first hitch-hiking trip during the easter holidays, learned that supermarkets throw huge amounts of food when dumpster-diving (don't tell my parents) and last but not least learned how to properly cycle. Things were moving quite fast and soon after as the semester was approaching the end I signed up for my first summer internship in Austria. I somehow got it.
The summer in Austria, the summer of my life. I had never experience such a ride until that time. Thinking that after being in Korea and Denmark I reached the point when nothing can really surprised me, I was wrong. I don't remember that much actually because everything just feels as it all happened in a single very long day. I was barely sleeping. When I wasn't working I was either travelling, running or planning trips. In two months I visited 6 countries and had met insane amount of new faces from all over the world. I won't probably be able to achieve anything like that the rest of my life. My view of the world expanded again. Intensive times...
My blood got cooled down afterwards because I got accepted to the master's, guess where, yes Denmark! Thinking of the summer it felt almost unreal. This time I got a bit serious, you know, having in mind that I will soon end my education, the good uni life. So thoughts of what I'm gonna do next where popping in my head often. This time it was different tho, all my friends from the exchange times went home. And my mindset also changed since I wasn't just a guy who stays few months and then leaves. I didn't need to push my decisions. It was a fresh start. New people, going through the same process for the 3rd time. It wasn't easy, Danes take their time in letting you into their circles. My danish family is somewhere out there and I love them. I was sure about staying in Denmark after graduating. It all made sense. Getting a degree from a well known university, high salary, well balanced working time, cake breaks, I was even learning danish. NO! it couldn't be my last stop. Why? Wish I knew the answer.
So I applied for my second internship. U must be asking what's wrong with this guy. Anyway, my path led me to the beautiful lands of Switzerland. I left everything behind again and started working in Zurich (My wallet died here, I thought that Denmark was already really expensive). This time it was a bit calmer no crazy stuff as last summer. Still I managed to step on skies after 10years, have seen the cleanest train station and found true soulmate in playing music. It of course became my 3rd home after 4 months as well. Views from the swiss alps are spectacular btw. Zurich itself surrounds a beautiful lake but the city is rather small, a bit posh and in general safe as fuck. I just left the uni life, started 8-5 job. Didn't take any time to reflect or think about what I wanna do in my life. The end of my stay ended as fast as it started. Again I had met people with such good hearts who showed me how much love can someone have. But my journey must went on.And here I'm turned 26 this year ready to face new challenges.